Picnic at the Beach

We went on a picnic to the beach last Wednesday. It was a beautiful day. We were all well prepared with our sun hats, sun protection cream and suitable clothing. It took us about half an hour to walk there. We had our picnic first at the picnic tables. We left the place really clean after us. Then we went down on the beach. Teacher told us to keep away from the water. We wrote our names on the sand, made sandcastles, played hopscotch and gathered shells and crabs. We had lots of fun but all too soon it was time to wash our hands under the tap and walk home again.

Crazy Hair Day

We had our Crazy Hair Day on Friday May 29th. Children were asked to be creative and wear a crazy hairstyle for the day. The day was a great success. Well done parents and children!. The money raised went towards funding for interactive whiteboards.


We were watching the cocoons in our Butterfly Garden for about two weeks. Eventually, one morning when we came into school, we noticed one of the butterflies had come out. Its wings were still damp so it could not fly yet. When all five butterflies came out we fed them bits of orange and banana as well as water and sugar. We released them on Friday the 29th of May. We were a little sad but happy to see them fly away. We still watch out for the butterflies when we are outside.